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Membership Application

Welcome to  Congregation Brothers Of Israel. It is a pleasure to have you as part of our thriving community. Our warm congregation is welcoming and pride of our Jewish culture is felt throughout our community. We strive to offer unique programming that brings our community together. 

Memberships offer you access to weekly classes, D'var Torahs, weekly bulletins, podcasts, scholar in residences, Kiddushim, Seuda Shlishit, security fee, daily & Yom Tov minyanim, access to events and activities over the course of the year, and much more. Please review the various tiers of membership that we offer to determine which tier and benefits make most sense for you.

"Full Family" membership includes (2) holiday seats. "Full Single" membership includes (1) holiday seat. These types of membership also include voting rights, discounts on additional seats & first choice of seats.

"Summer Family & Single" memberships do not includes voting rights or holiday seats, however it does offer discounts on seats.

if applicable

Please attach a photo of Adult 1 above:

if applicable

Please attach a photo of Adult 2 here above


List all children in your household that are included in your family membership. If you have more than four children, contact the office.

By completing this form you understand the financial commitment of being a member in good standing.
Membership dues can be broken down into quarterly payments and must be paid in full by the years end. 

If you wish to become a member but are unable to meet the financial commitment for membership, we encourage you to contact Michelle in the Shul office, Rabbi Braun, or our president, Jeffrey Moskowitz to make special arrangements. Your request will remain strictly confidential.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785